The days of Sodom and Gomorrah
In the Federalist Patriot, the 5-22 Digest had an excellent article regarding how we are getting in to this whole homosexual mess that we find our selves in.
I have a friend by the name of Justo that responded back to me. I told him that is excellent blogging material. Well, he is a very intelligent person, but doesn't want to learn about this blogging stuff. He said to post it in mine, so with all credit to Justo, here it is.
"Whether or not Disney felt its best corporate interest was to have a “gay day” is only a superficial issue… The core issue is, one of more substance, whether or not it had the “right” to choose who it does business with? Was Disney coerced by fear of litigation; by fear of civil litigation that has been given much weight by existing anti-discrimination Congressional acts?
These anti-discrimination acts, having good intentions or not, have reduced of our personal freedoms. These acts cast all individuals into various “groups” and then shelter them with special rights above those of individuals.
Congress, marching to the drum-beat of natural decay in any Democracy, is slowly and steadily reducing our personal freedoms in favor of group protectionist legislation.
Cuba, Korea, and China, the ultimate examples of such protectionist ideals and their end result."
Well said Justo
Here is a little something that was in my inbox at work:
This message is being sent to all employees from Boeing President, CEO and CFO James Bell.
June is Gay Pride Month, when we celebrate the contributions that this particular group of employees has made to Boeing's success. Since first publication of the Gay Pride Month link in Boeing News Now earlier this month, I and members of the Executive Council have received a number of negative and derogatory messages against the company's support of Gay Pride Month.
Boeing observes various “heritage months”: Black History Month in February; Women's History Month in March; Asian Pacific Month in May; Gay Pride Month in June; Hispanic Heritage Month in September, Disability Awareness Month in October, American Indian Month in November, and Multicultural Celebration Day in December. The point of all of these is to drive inclusion, fight harassment and discrimination, and remind us to value people as individuals. Recognizing diversity—all elements of it—is a key component of our business strategy.
The foundation of our success at Boeing is based on our ability to attract and retain the best people possible for the jobs we have. To do that, we must create and maintain an environment where, collectively, we can design, produce, and support products and services that make our customers and shareholders successful. A key part of creating that environment is aimed at helping all employees know that they are appreciated for the contributions they make toward helping Boeing meet its business objectives.
We need to ensure we treat all employees—including gay and lesbian employees—with dignity and respect. While we could point to the law as the rationale for our actions, I believe that it's our obligation to demonstrate on a regular basis not only our commitment—but also our resolve—to provide an opportunity for each employee to learn more about the diversity that underlies this company's strength.
I felt compelled to respond:
"What's next...pedophile month? I believe in the Judeo-Christian ethic of "Love Thy Neighbor", but that does NOT require me to consider acceptable any and all deviant practices in which my neighbor may be involved. They should keep their proclivities to themselves. Sometimes "P.C." = "B.S."; I daresay this is one of them..."
I have yet to receive a reply. BTW, you should notify people when you post something new.
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